Bungalows 2025

Have you always wanted to try your hand at Wave Boarding; powering through the surf, and soaring through the air with a giant kite? If you have your own horse, then bring it too, and enjoy a adventurous ride through the undulating dunes, or an evening ride along the shore with the sun setting over the open ocean. When you choose to stay with Willy Noord, all of this is possible. The stables where you can lodge your horse are within walking distance of the pavilion. A good old fashioned bike ride is also an option, with bike hire readily available.

You can find out more about these services by getting in contact with Kiteschool Katwijk (Powerkiting & Kite Boarding), Surfschool Katwijk (Wave & Bodyboarding), Manege Jonker (Stables) or Nico's Fietsplus (Bike rentals).